IoT, 인공지능, 빅데이터의 상호관계 및 실무지식을 심화학습하고 산업과 사회에서 겪는 소프트웨어 문제를 코딩을 통해 해결하여 기술적 이슈와 응용능력 배양
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Lip Reading is an important technique for many people as well as various situations that involve communication. With the ad- vance in computer vision and deep neural networks, lip reading has started to become automated. This project has developed a working model based on 3D CNN and GRU for lip reading of spo- ken words, without auditory information. Although there is room for improvement, this model can serve as a comparative standard for future lip reading models. KEYWORDS visual speech recognition, lip reading, CV, 3D CNN, LSTM, GRU