About GECE





GECE 학술행사
Healthcare & Engineering
글쓴이 : GECE운영자 조회 수 : 201849 작성일 : 2015.01.05 06:00:00
날짜 2015-04-30 
강연자 한국MSD 현동욱 대표이사 
장소 서울대 38-대강당 

Healthcare & Engineering

List of Articles
제목 날짜sort
Invited Talk by Thomas Kang at the IEEE ProComm Japan 2020 2020-12-20 
[브라질 포스트텐션 학회] 포스트텐션 아웃리거 설계/해석/시공 특강 2020-06-26 
Asian Deans' Forum 2019 - THE RISING STARS 2019-10-24 
Effective Engineering Presentation 2015-03-25 
Engineering Ethics(2015-1) 2015-03-16 
Effective Engineering Presentation 2014-10-08 
Engineering Ethics(2014-2) 2014-09-11 
Effective Engineering Presentation 2014-04-02 
Engineering Ethics(2014-1) 2014-03-18 
Progressive Collapse of Structures 2013-12-12 
Effective Engineering Presentation 2013-10-02 
Engineering Ethics(2013-2) 2013-07-28 
Presentation Seminar 2013-03-27 
Firm Commitment 2013-03-20 
Engineering Ethics(2013-1) 2013-03-12 
글로벌리더가 말하는 리더십 2013-03-12 
Leveraging a BIM work flow in concrete building design & integrated design using ADAPT-Edge 2013-03-08 
Prestressed Concrete: Precast of Post-Tensioning 2012-11-21 
Global Communication 2012-11-07 
Presenting Your Engineering Research 2012-09-26