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International Career Information
2020.10.13 [PolytechnicPositions] Faculty Positions in Polytechnic Universities
Author : GECE운영자 Views : 2076 작성일 : 2020.10.13 11:00:59



Post Doc Research Position in Structural Health Monitoring

TU Graz

Civil and Environmental Engineering


PhD Position in Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design

Ghent University Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design

Industrial and Production Engineering


Doctoral Fellow in Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design

Ghent University Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design

Industrial and Production Engineering


PhD Position in Functional Engineering of Crystalline Nanomaterials

Catholic University of Leuven

Materials Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Risk Management in Medical Applications

Catholic University of Leuven

Industrial and Production Engineering


PhD Position in Resilient Sensor and Communication Networks for Complex Medical Systems-Of-Systems

Catholic University of Leuven

Industrial and Production Engineering


PhD Position in Development of EMI Sensors

Catholic University of Leuven

Industrial and Production Engineering


PhD Position in Certification of Medical Equipment

Catholic University of Leuven

Industrial and Production Engineering


Researcher in Explainable Machine Learning and Survival Analysis

Catholic University of Leuven

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Software Engineering

Catholic University of Leuven Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Energy Efficiency Optimization of Manufacturing Assets by Exploiting Digital Twins

Catholic University of Leuven

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


PhD Position in Wind Tunnel Experiments of Multiscale Topography in Turbulent Boundary Layers

Catholic University of Leuven

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


PhD Position in Safe and Dependable Autonomous Systems

Catholic University of Leuven

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Large-Scale Shape Optimization for Finned Heat Transfer Surfaces Exposed to Steady and Unsteady Flow

Catholic University of Leuven

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


PhD Position in Safe and Dependable Autonomous Systems; Safety Requirements Engineering

Catholic University of Leuven

Computer Science and Engineering


Post Doc in Computer Science and Communication

University of Copenhagen Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Fellow in Human-Centered Computing

University of Copenhagen Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Statistics and the Mathematics of Insurance and Economics

University of Copenhagen Department of Mathematical Sciences

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor of Actuarial Mathematics and Data Science

University of Copenhagen Department of Mathematical Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer of Theoretical Computer Science

University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer of Cryptography

University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Researcher in Unsupervised Deep Learning

University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assistant in Developing Electric Powertrain Designs for an Agricultural Field Robot

University of Helsinki Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Post Doc, Future Talent Guest Stay Grant

Technical University of Darmstadt

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Post Doc, Career Bridging Grant

Technical University of Darmstadt

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Associate in Audio-Based Automatic Detection of Emotional Expressions

University of Hamburg Department of Informatics

Computer Science and Engineering


Rese­arch Assist­ant in Inter­net Meas­ure­ment and Ana­lysis

Technical University Berlin Insti­tute of Tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion Sys­tems

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assist­ant in Aero Dynam­ics

Technical University Berlin Insti­tute of Aero­naut­ics and Astro­naut­ics

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Uni­ver­sity Pro­fes­sor of Envir­on­mental Micro­bi­o­m­ics

Technical University Berlin Insti­tute for Envir­on­mental Sci­ence and Engin­eer­ing

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Assist­ant in Next Gen­er­a­tion Net­works

Technical University Berlin Insti­tute of Tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion Sys­tems

Computer Science and Engineering


Post Doc in Mathematics and Computer Science

Georg-August-University Goettingen Institute for Mathematical Stochastic

Computer Science and Engineering


Uni­ver­sity Pro­fes­sor in Semi­con­duc­tor Com­pon­ents and Micro­elec­tro­nic Sys­tems

Technical University Berlin Insti­tute of High-Fre­quency and Semi­con­duc­tor Sys­tem Tech­no­lo­gies

Computer Science and Engineering


Rese­arch Assist­ant in Buil­ding Energy Sys­tems

Technical University Berlin Insti­tute of Energy Engi­nee­ring

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Research Associate in High-Performance Computing

Technical University of Darmstadt Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor of Quantum Computing

Technical University of Darmstadt Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Researcher in High-Performance Computing

Technical University of Darmstadt Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor of Human Computer Interaction

Technical University of Darmstadt Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Associate in Directed Hierarchical Assembly of Anisotropic Nanomaterials

University of Hamburg Department of Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry

Materials Science and Engineering


Doctoral Researcher in Information Systems for Sustainable Society

University of Cologne Department of Information Systems for Sustainable Society

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Associate in Data Science

University of Hamburg Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assistant in Food Informatics

University of Hohenheim Department of Food Informatics

Computer Science and Engineering


Professorship in Automotive Systems

Darmstadt University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Associate in Computer Science

University of Hamburg Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology

Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in Computational Geoscience and Reservoir Engineering

Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Full Professor of Data Driven Dynamic Optimization and Control

University of Bayreuth Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Professor of Computer Systems

University of Limerick Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor of Information and Computing Sciences

Utrecht University Department of Information and Computing Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Big Data History of Music

Utrecht University

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Formal Modelling of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

Utrecht University Department of Information and Computing Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Digital Twin−Dealing with Uncertainty in Manufacturing Processes

University of Twente Faculty of Engineering Technology

Industrial and Production Engineering


PhD Position in Inorganic Membranes

University of Twente

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering



Research Fellow in Cognitive Data Analysis

University of Stavanger

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Fellow on Blockchain and Distributed Computing

University of Stavanger

Computer Science and Engineering


Associate Professor in Autonomous System and Control

University of Oslo Department of Technology Systems

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Fellow in Marine Biogeochemistry

University of Bergen Geophysical Institute

Civil and Environmental Engineering


PhD Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence for Energy Informatics

University of Oslo Department of Informatics

Computer Science and Engineering


Researcher in Sustainable Materials Chemistry

Stockholm University Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry

Materials Science and Engineering


Postdoc Position in Network Security

Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Postdoc in Combinatorics

Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering


Post Doc in Mathematics

Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Position in Data Science

Stockholm University Department of Physics

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Machine Design, Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems

Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Doctoral Student in Microplasma Based Microwave and Terahertz Devices

Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Doctoral Student in Visual Optics

Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences

Biological and Biomedical Engineering


Doctoral Student in Wireless Communications

Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Doctoral Student in Networked Systems Security

Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Doctoral Student in Computational Aeroacoustics of Compressible Flows

Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering


Doctoral Student in Micromachined Reconfigurable Sub-Terahertz Antennas

Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Control for Intelligent Systems


Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Faculty Position in Applied Mathematics

Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Scientist in Local Manipulation of Spin Domains in a Multiferroic Rashba Semiconductor

University of Basel

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Software Engineer

University of Bern Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Engineer in Software

University of Zurich Department of Quantitative Biomedicine

Computer Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Position in Cybersecurity

University of Zurich

Computer Science and Engineering


Engineer in IT Security

University of Basel

Computer Science and Engineering

[United Kingdom]   

Research Associate in Cybersecurity and Resilience of the Internet of Things

Imperial College London Department of Computing

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Fellow in Electronics and Computer Science

University of Southampton School of Electronics and Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Fellow in Surgical Robotics

University of Leeds School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in Dual-action Antiviral Dyes to Support the Fight against Covid-19

University of Cambridge Department of Chemical Engineering and Hiotechnology

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Research Fellow in Engineering

University of Nottingham Department of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assistants / Associate in Computer Science

University of Cambridge

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Fellow in Surgical Robotics

University of Leeds School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in Computer Science and Technology

University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Associate / Fellow in Computer Science

University of York Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Associate / Fellow in Electronic Engineering

University of York Department of Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in Chemical Engineering

Imperial College London Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Research Associate / Fellow in Photonics and Sensing in Healthcare

University of Nottingham Department of Engineering

Biological and Biomedical Engineering


Research Associate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Imperial College London Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Associate Professor in Experimental Aerodynamics and Propulsion

University of Southampton School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Fellow in Mechanical Engineering

University of Southampton School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Fellow in Marine Science

University of Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

Biological and Biomedical Engineering


Associate Professor in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

University of Southampton School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Associate Professor in Future Mobility Systems, Autonomous Systems and Robotics

University of Southampton School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Associate Professor in Astronautics and Spacecraft Engineering

University of Southampton School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Associate Professor in Data-driven Aerospace Engineering Design

University of Southampton School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Assistant in Radio Cosmology

Queen Mary University of London School of Physics and Astronomy

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Fellow in Experimental Biotribology of the Human Natural Knee

University of Leeds School of Mechanical Engineering

Biological and Biomedical Engineering


Research Associate in Thermal Management

University of Nottingham Department of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Fellow in Manufacturing Processes

University of Leeds School of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Lecturer in Engineering Geology

University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Fellow in Light Emitting Textiles

University of Southampton School of Electronics and Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Associate in Wide Band Gap Gate Driving for Waveform EMI Quietening

Imperial College London Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in 2D Semiconductors

University of Cambridge

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Assistant / Research Associate in Natural Language Processing

University of Cambridge

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Associate in Natural Language Processing

University of Cambridge

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assistant / Associate in Turbulence over Porous / Rough Surfaces

University of Cambridge Department of Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Fellow in Photonic Systems Circuits

University of Southampton Zepler Institute for Photonics and Nanoelectronics

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Research Associate in Novel Storage Technology

Imperial College London Department of Computing

Computer Science and Engineering


Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering

University of Nottingham Department of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Associate in Quantum Cryptography

University of York Department of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


North America


Faculty Position in Mechanical Engineering

McMaster University Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Professors in Engineering Physics

Polytechnique Montreal

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Queen's University at Kingston

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Assistant / Associate Professor of Software Engineering for Autonomous and Self-Adapting Systems

Carleton University

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Chair in Green Materials

University of Ottawa

Materials Science and Engineering

[United States]    

Teaching Faculty Positions in Construction Engineering and Management

University of Notre Dame

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Assistant Professor in Synthesis and Processing of Materials

University of California Berkeley College of Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Position in Embedded Systems Design and Control

University of California Berkeley College of Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Assistant Researcher in Regional Earth System Science and Engineering

University of California Los Angeles

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Postdoctoral Scholar in Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of California Irvine

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Assistant Professor in Statistics

University of California Irvine School of Information and Computer Sciences

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Chemical Engineering

University of Texas Austin Cockrell School of Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Assistant Professor in Architecture

Princeton University School of Architecture

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Assistant Professor in Quantum Science and Technology

University of Texas Austin College of Natural Sciences

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Postdoctoral Associate in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Rutgers The State University of New Jersey Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Faculty Position in Computer Science

Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering

University of Colorado Boulder Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

University of Texas Austin School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Project Scientist in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Faculty Position in Nanodevices and Nanosystems

University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Circuits and Computer Engineering

University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Professor of Information Technology Practice

University of Southern California Information Technology Program

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Information and Decision Systems

University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

University of California Irvine Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Lecture in Computer Science

Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Scientist in Data Science

Columbia University New York

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Sustainable Energy Science, Engineering and Technology

Princeton University Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Postdoctoral Associate in Materials Science and Engineering

University of Maryland

Materials Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Engineering and Applied Science

University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering and Applied Science

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Associate in Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation

Rutgers The State University of New Jersey

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Postdoctoral Associate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

University of Maryland

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Faculty Position in Information Science

Cornell University Department of Information Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant / Associate Professor in Data Science and Social Justice

University of Washington

Computer Science and Engineering


Associate Specialist in Materials Science

University of California Santa Barbara College of Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering


Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering

Indiana University Bloomington Division of Science

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Postdoctoral Scholar in Optically Responsive Biomaterials

University of California Irvine Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Postdoctoral Associate in Materials Science and Engineering

University of Maryland Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering


Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering

University of Texas Austin Cockrell School of Engineering

Biological and Biomedical Engineering


Postdoctoral Associate in Structural Materials and Mechanics

Cornell University

Materials Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering

University of Wisconsin Madison Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Postdoctoral Scholar in Materials Science and Engineering

University of California Irvine Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Computer Science

Indiana University Bloomington Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer in Information Technology

University of Southern California

Computer Science and Engineering


Researcher in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of California Los Angeles Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Instructor in Computational Finance and Risk Management

University of Washington Department of Applied Mathematics

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Scholar in Bayesian Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification

University of California Santa Barbara College of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Stochastics

University of California Berkeley College of Engineering

Industrial and Production Engineering


Postdoctoral Scholar in Software / Hardware Co-design of High-Dimensional Machine Learning

University of California Santa Barbara College of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Princeton University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Assistant Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering

Princeton University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience

Vanderbilt University School of Engineering

Biological and Biomedical Engineering




Assistant / Associate / Full Professorships of Engineering

Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Assistant Professor of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Computer Science and Engineering


Principal Research Specialist in Material / Chemistry / Physics

Duke Kunshan University

Materials Science and Engineering

[Hong kong]   

Postdoctoral Fellow in Materials Modeling

University of Hong Kong Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Assistant Professor in Microeconomics, Game Theory, Experimental Economics, or Behavioral Economics

Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Professor in Computer Science

Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Computing

Computer Science and Engineering


Associate Professor in Technology and Innovation Management

Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Environment and Society

Industrial and Production Engineering


Associate Professor in Organic Electronics

Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry

Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Chemistry

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Assistant Professor in Human Information Systems

Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Micro and Nano-Fluidic Processes

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Associate Professor in Information and Communications Engineering

Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering


Chief Information Officer

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research

Computer Science and Engineering


Associate Professor in International Development

Nagoya University Graduate School of International Development

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering


Faculty Positions in Computer Science

Yale-NUS College

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer in Embedded Systems and IOT

Temasek Polytechnic

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer in Computer Engineering; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Temasek Polytechnic

Computer Science and Engineering


Lecturer in Advanced Manufacturing

Temasek Polytechnic

Industrial and Production Engineering


Research Engineer in Application Development

Temasek Polytechnic

Computer Science and Engineering


Assistant Professor of Information Systems

Singapore Management University School of Information Systems

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Assistant in Music and AI

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Fellow in Featherlight Blockchain for IoT

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Computer Science and Engineering


Faculty Position in Applied Mechanics

National Taiwan University Institute of Applied Mechanics

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Faculty Position in Chemical Engineering

National Taiwan University Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Faculty Position in Environmental Engineering

National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering




Multiple Academic Positions in Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

University of Sydney

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Fellow in Computing

Macquarie University

Computer Science and Engineering


Head of School of Information and Communication Technology

University of Tasmania School of Information and Communication Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Head of School of Architecture and Design

University of Tasmania School of Architecture and Design

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Fellow in Computing

Macquarie University Department of Computing

Computer Science and Engineering


Researcher in Computer Science

University of Adelaide School of Computer Science

Computer Science and Engineering


Research Engineer in Satellite Image Processing

University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences

Industrial and Production Engineering


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in E-Mobility

University of Queensland School of Chemical Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Lecturer in Materials and Mechanical Engineering

Monash University

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Research Fellow in Data Mining

RMIT University

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Scholarship Position in A Quantum Cascade Laser Platform for Broadband Thz Sensing and Imaging

University of Queensland

Computer Science and Engineering


Researcher in Defence

University of Adelaide Australian Institute for Machine Learning

Computer Science and Engineering


Postdoctoral Fellow in Artificial Intelligence

University of New South Wales

Computer Science and Engineering


PhD Position in Reuse Organisations, Land Use Planning, and the Circular Economy

Monash University Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture

Civil and Environmental Engineering


The Middle East

[United Arab Emirates]     

Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering

United Arab Emirates University College of Engineering

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering



[South Africa]     

Associate Professor in Engineering

North-West University Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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